But the main problem with this solution is that the difference report is not quite human readable, and way too complicated for me. In my previous company I had access to brilliant implementation created by Stefan, but this is not the case any more. That is why I had to write my own implementation, the solution with some unit tests can be found here.
My implementation gives you:
(1) Nice error messages, including the difference type, values that are different and XPaths pointing to these differences. It is so much easier to figure out what went wrong!
(2) A callback when a difference is found, where you can decide to ignore the difference. This is useful if your xml contains timestamp or some other data that is not necessarily identical.
Xml namespaces are not implemented at all, so if you wish to use it for a namespace sensitive content, then you need to add support for it yourself.
XmlComparer is the main class. The constructor takes the expected xml (the base for the comparison):
private readonly XmlDocument expectedDocument;
public XmlComparer(string expectedXml)
throw new ArgumentNullException("expectedXml");
expectedDocument = new XmlDocument();
The public method Compare(actualXml) and the two private worker methods CompareElements and CompareAttributes do the job:
public void Compare(string actualXml)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(actualXml))
throw new XmlDifferentException("Actual xml was null or empty");
XmlDocument actualDocument = new XmlDocument();
CompareElements(expectedDocument.DocumentElement, actualDocument.DocumentElement);
private void CompareElements(XmlNode expected, XmlNode actual)
if(expected==null && actual==null)
if (expected == null)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.ExtraNode, null, GetXPath(actual));
if (actual == null)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.MissingNode, GetXPath(expected), null);
if(expected.Name != actual.Name)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.DifferentNode, GetXPath(expected), GetXPath(actual), expected.LocalName, actual.LocalName);
if(expected.NodeType != actual.NodeType)
//TODO more details needed?
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.DifferentNode, GetXPath(expected), GetXPath(actual), expected.NodeType.ToString(), actual.NodeType.ToString());
if(expected.Value != actual.Value)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.NodeValue, GetXPath(expected), GetXPath(actual), expected.Value, actual.Value);
CompareAttributes(expected, actual);
//compare children
for(int i=0; i < actual.ChildNodes.Count || i < expected.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
// ChildNodes[i] returns null if the node doesn't exist
CompareElements(expected.ChildNodes[i], actual.ChildNodes[i]);
private void CompareAttributes(XmlNode expected, XmlNode actual)
if (expected.Attributes == actual.Attributes)
if (expected.Attributes == null)
foreach (XmlAttribute actualAttribute in actual.Attributes)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.MissingAttribute, null, GetXPath(actualAttribute));
if(actual.Attributes == null)
foreach (XmlAttribute expectedAttribute in expected.Attributes)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.ExtraAttribute, GetXPath(expectedAttribute), null);
foreach (XmlAttribute expectedAttribute in expected.Attributes)
if (!IsSpecialAttribute(expectedAttribute))
XmlAttribute actualAttribute = actual.Attributes[expectedAttribute.Name];
if (actualAttribute == null)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.MissingAttribute, GetXPath(expectedAttribute), null);
if (actualAttribute.Value != expectedAttribute.Value)
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.AttributeValue, GetXPath(expectedAttribute),
GetXPath(actualAttribute), expectedAttribute.Value, actualAttribute.Value);
foreach (XmlAttribute actualAttribute in actual.Attributes)
XmlAttribute expectedAttribute = expected.Attributes[actualAttribute.Name];
if(expectedAttribute==null && !IsSpecialAttribute(actualAttribute))
HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType.ExtraAttribute, null, GetXPath(actualAttribute));
So as you can see I just compare elements and attributes one by one, ignoring namespaces in a bit brutal way:
private const string XMLNS = "xmlns";
private static bool IsSpecialAttribute(XmlAttribute attribute)
if(attribute.Name == XMLNS || attribute.Prefix == XMLNS)
return true;
return false;
The real power of this tool lies in the information that is contained in the error message and the callbacks. In the code above you probably noticed the GetXPath method I use to get an XPath. The trick here is that I always get an XPath with the element number in square brackets:
private static string GetXPath(XmlNode node)
StringBuilder xPathSB = new StringBuilder();
if(node == null)
return null;
XmlAttribute attribute = node as XmlAttribute;
GetXPathForNodeRecursive(attribute.OwnerElement, xPathSB);
xPathSB.AppendFormat("/@{0}", attribute.Name);
else if(node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
GetXPathForNodeRecursive(node.ParentNode, xPathSB);
GetXPathForNodeRecursive(node, xPathSB);
return xPathSB.ToString();
private static void GetXPathForNodeRecursive(XmlNode node, StringBuilder xPathSB)
int number = 1;
XmlNode sibling = node.PreviousSibling;
while (sibling != null)
if(sibling.Name == node.Name)
sibling = sibling.PreviousSibling;
if (node.ParentNode!=null && node.ParentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Document)
GetXPathForNodeRecursive(node.ParentNode, xPathSB);
xPathSB.AppendFormat("/{0}[{1}]", node.LocalName, number);
The HandleDifference method is responsible for raising the event and throwing an exception if the difference was not handled by the user:
public event EventHandlerDifferenceFound;
private void HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType differenceType, string expectedXPath, string actualXPath)
HandleDifference(differenceType, expectedXPath, actualXPath, null, null);
private void HandleDifference(XmlDifferenceType differenceType, string expectedXPath, string actualXPath, string valueExpected, string valueActual)
XmlDifferentEventArgs args = new XmlDifferentEventArgs(differenceType, expectedXPath, actualXPath, valueExpected, valueActual);
if (DifferenceFound!=null)
DifferenceFound(this, args);
throw new XmlDifferentException(args.ToString());
The type of the difference is described by the XmlDifferenceType enum, which is fairly self-expalnatory:
public enum XmlDifferenceType
In the DifferenceFound event handler the user gets XmlDifferentEventArgs, which contains all the details about the difference. If the user wants to ignore the difference, she needs to set the Handled flag true.
public class XmlDifferentEventArgs : EventArgs
private readonly XmlDifferenceType differenceType;
private readonly string expectedXPath;
private readonly string actualXPath;
private readonly string valueExpected;
private readonly string valueActual;
private bool handled = false;
public XmlDifferentEventArgs(XmlDifferenceType differenceType, string expectedXPath, string actualXPath) : this(differenceType, expectedXPath, actualXPath, null, null)
public XmlDifferentEventArgs(XmlDifferenceType differenceType, string expectedXPath, string actualXPath,string valueExpected, string valueActual)
this.differenceType = differenceType;
this.valueActual = valueActual;
this.valueExpected = valueExpected;
this.actualXPath = actualXPath;
this.expectedXPath = expectedXPath;
public XmlDifferenceType DifferenceType
get { return differenceType; }
public string ExpectedXPath
get { return expectedXPath; }
public string ActualXPath
get { return actualXPath; }
public bool Handled
get { return handled; }
set { handled = value; }
public string ValueExpected
get { return valueExpected; }
public string ValueActual
get { return valueActual; }
public override string ToString()
"Difference type: {0}, expected: {1}, actual: {2}\r\nPosition in expected document: {3}\r\nPosition in actual document: {4}", differenceType, valueExpected ?? "", valueActual ?? "", expectedXPath ?? "", actualXPath ?? "");
To compare two xmls that should be identical, you can use the AssertAreEqual static method from CompareXml class:
public static void AssertAreEqual(string expected, string actual)
XmlComparer compare = new XmlComparer(expected);
The method above will throw an exception for every difference found. If you are expecting some differences, you should define your own event handler to ignore these differences. TODO
Please let me know if you find any bugs of have any comments about this tool.
1 comment:
Thanks for your post and i would like to know if we can use the same code even when the order of the elements in the comparing xml is different. Kindly let me know on the same.
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